Monday, June 18, 2007

"Say WHAT?"

Emma, "Say WHAT?" ©

I just finished this pastel of my dog Emma for the Pastel Society of America's National Exhibition. Keep your fingers crossed for me that she gets in.
I love this photo of her. She often forces her way in between me and my easel and sits there just like this when she wants something. Either to go out, to play or something to eat so I thought it was about time I captured it. After all, I do think she is my doggie Muse!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Southeastern Pastel Society Exhibition

WOW! I won Second Place for my portrait of Aslan in the Southeastern Pastel Society's Member's Exhibition last night. I was so surprised. I was too busy chatting with my friend Kathleen that I missed my name and they had to say it again!

I also won an Honorable Mention for my Swirly Sucker piece!